Various types of bracelets, with and without "bits and pieces".
Bracelets with coat of arms of The Royal Danish Navy's ships and units. Part of the price is donated to "Danish Veterans"
Bracelets with coat of arms of Danish Army regiments. Part of the price is donated to "Danish Veterans"
Bracelets with insignia of The Danish Armed Forces, Missions, Danish Veterans etc. Part of the price is donated to "Danish Veterans"
Bracelets with insignia of the Home Guard. Part of the price is donated to "Danish Veterans"
Bracelets with hunting images. Part of the price is donated to "Danish Veterans"
Bracelets with fishing images. Part of the price is donated to "Danish Veterans"
Bracelets with spearfishing iamges. Part of the price is donated to "Danish Veterans"
Bracelets with outdoor images. Part of the price is donated to "Danish Veterans"
Bracelets with insignia of the national and emergency services. Part of the price is donated to "Danish Veterans"